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Rock Band 3

rb_headerTurning the corner from entertaining game to real musical teaching and techniques, RB3 pushed the envelope in the music game genre.  As real musicians at Harmonix, we felt that while it was fun to mimic these epic rock songs, it wasn’t enough.  We had to show players what it was like to actually play these hits.  After seeing YouTube videos of players full-clearing our hardest 5-button tracks, we knew that the world was ready for the real-deal.  But it wasn’t enough to include real guitars – being a keyboard player, I was a huge advocate for the inclusion of a keyboard peripheral and 5-button and real keys game modes.

My contributions to the title included a ton of sound design for the vignettes throughout the game, creating the spec for and authoring the entirety of the 5-button keys charts, and leading the audio teams throughout the development cycle.

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